3D Lab @ UCSF Fresno


Welcome to the UCSF Fresno 3D Lab! These services are currently being provided to UCSF Fresno Faculty, Residents, and Staff. To further our mission of providing the best educational experience for our employees UCSF Fresno has purchased two 3D printers and a handheld 3D scanner.

Location and Availability

The UCSF Fresno 3D Lab is located in the UCSF Fresno Hildibrand Library, Room 150.
Lab availability is currently restricted to our lab technician's schedule. Noel Sandoval's hours are as follows:

Monday: 0700-1600 Remote
Tuesday: 0700-1600 On-site @UCSF Fresno
Wednesday: 0700-1600 On-site @UCSF Fresno
Thursday: 0700-1600 On-site @UCSF Fresno
Friday: 0700-1600 Remote

Free 3D Modeling Software

Tinkercad  - Browser based modeling software; perfect for new users and those without mid-to-high end computers.

Fusion 360 - Engineering focused modeling software. (Desktop installation required)*

Blender - Artistic/Animation focused modeling software. (Desktop installation required)*

*It is highly recommended that your PC have its own dedicated GPU in order to run this software effectively.



Noel Sandoval
Education Technology Integrator
